Trust the cryptographic security
By signing media with C2PA Content Credentials, every image displayed contains verified, traceable details about the person or organization that signed it, and when it was signed. Signing provides proof about the entity that created each version of a file, and the confidence that it has not been edited in any way since the last signed version.
Compare critical details
See where and when a photo was taken, what AI tool was used to generate an image, or what software was used to edit a photo and how it was edited. When the context of a post, story, or article matter, you can cross reference the critical details and confirm their accuracy yourself.
View traceable edits and verified origin
From a known, verified origin to every edit along the way, Truepic’s Content Credentials Display will tell you the story you need to make an informed decision. Originated from a camera, generated by a computer, edited in Photoshop, or downsized on it’s way to your screen, you can transparently see an image’s history.