Truepic Enterprise C2PA Display: A free tool for visualizing media provenance

Images with Content Credentials displayed

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Alicia Hurst, Product Manager

November 22, 2024

Truepic Content Credentials Display is a free library designed to visualize the provenance data embedded in any C2PA-signed media. Since launching the library in April 2023, we’ve heard from many of you looking to preview the Content Credentials experience before adding it to your sites. Now with, you can do just that—simply load any signed media to explore its provenance information without any setup.

What is Truepic Enterprise C2PA Display?

From website integrations to digital asset validation, Truepic Display provides a direct, easy way to understand C2PA-compatible files. Display is a JavaScript library you can add to any website to showcase your media’s history and origin. It adds a polished, easy to use overlay that helps viewers understand media’s authenticity right in their browser. Media is always validated privately, client side; uploading media to any server is not involved.

The Display library also supports the latest C2PA version 2.1 as of November 5, giving Truepic Display a leading edge in transparency. Many platforms, including LinkedIn, only support earlier spec versions and partial implementations, like YouTube, display credentials from databases rather than the media itself. With Truepic Display, users can see the actual signed data on each file while those behemoth platforms increase their support.

The Display library is built on the Truepic Enterprise C2PA core C2PA library, rather than CAI’s open-source, giving us the ability to support changes to the standard quickly and address implementation challenges effectively. This means we can offer a reliable, best-in-class display of provenance data that aligns with industry standards—and in many cases, improves upon them. Unique features like our MP4 video file validation and summary callouts are designed to make Content Credentials easy to understand.

Try it yourself

The demo site lets you see how Content Credentials appear before embedding Truepic Display on your own platform. Upload any C2PA-compatible file, and our tool will validate it, overlaying the Content Credentials in the top right corner, just like it would look on a live website. For advanced users, you can dive deeper into the validation details and certificate information, seeing exactly how our C2PA tools (libc2pa, CLI, mobile SDKs) interpret each component. You can also toggle between C2PA spec versions to see differences in validation outcomes as the requirements have changed over time.

Screenshot of Truepic Enterprise C2PA Display

For your convenience, we also support validating and displaying media from any externally hosted url, not just loading it from your computer’s drive. This also allows you to share a link to your validated media on our site, simply by copying the updated display URL in your browser.

Next steps

Learn more about Truepic's historic involvement in digital content provenance and C2PA initiatives.

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